IDEE en Action
‘I.D.E.E. en Action’, Immaginéz la Durabilité Ecosocial Ensemble en Action, is a project coordinated by Gaialux en partenariat avec Kehsia.
‘I.D.E.E en Action” aims to create an educational journey on global citizenship issues, through the lens of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, for young people in Luxembourg. The new I.D.E.E. journey, draw on key points and arts of project I.D.E.E., with a new innovative interdisciplinary approach to the concept of Sustainability, combining creative expression with scientific and interactive reflection on the sustainability topics. (read more on IDEE en Action)
IDEE en Action is funded by Fondation Sommer.
Core Activities

A creative innovative approach to Sustainability
The Somatic Movement Workshops, designed using the Laban Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS), offer a unique way to explore educational themes through immersive, embodied experiences that also promote self-awareness and physical and mental well-being. These workshops enrich Gaialux’s approach to sustainability, adding a holistic and systemic perspective to the challenge of exploring new paths for societal development. The arts from I.D.E.E., along with literature and poetry, will serve as a source of inspiration. The Somatic Movement Workshops are conceived by the Movement Analyst Caterina Fava (Discover more about this methodology to see how it can enrich your approach to education and personal development here).

Think, Act, Change:
Become a Change-maker for Sustainability
More Activities to Join

Atelier ‘Cartes Postales pour la Durabilité’
IDEE en Action builds on the artistic richness and creativity of the first edition I.D.E.E. (here), offering a journey of reflection and exchange on sustainability topics with the support of I.D.E.E. artists. Join IDEE en Action by contributing with a postcard, with your art and your creative text. Postcards will contribute to stimulate the project activities, and help celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Paris Agreement helping keep the spotlight on these essential goals. Get in touch with us to submit your postcard and/or organize a Postcard Workshop for Sustainability.

Creative Textile Atelier
Join IDEE en Action in creating a collective textile artwork inspired by SDG 11 and 15, envisioning an ideal sustainable community. Guided by two experienced instructors, you will craft your own piece using weaving, crochet, or sewing techniques.
As you explore creative and upcycling textile methods, you will also engage in discussions on the environmental and social challenges of the textile industry, with a focus on fast fashion and contemporary fashion issues raised by students. Additionally, you will learn practical tips for embracing sustainable fashion and simple upcycling techniques to extend the life cycle of your clothes.

Sustainability in Focus: Data & Insights
Adopting a multidimensional and systemic approach to sustainability, Gaialux team offers students and teachers tailored workshops specifically addressing the Agenda 2030 goals. These sessions will present the latest updates on sustainability targets, visualize progress, and deepen understanding of the interconnections among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participants will examine how social, environmental, economic, and institutional factors intersect—shaping and either advancing or hindering communities in their pursuit of a more sustainable future. Particular attention will be given to how vulnerabilities and inequalities are linked to climate change and ecosystem degradation, as well as to the rapidly changing socio-economic landscape, encouraging critical reflection on these pressing global issues. In addition, special sessions can be organized on specific themes in collaboration with experts from Gaialux’s network. Topics cover various aspects of sustainable and, among others, include: the limits of growth and shortcomings of GDP as a measure of progress; overconsumption and inequality as ecological challenges; inequalities and social justice; climate-induced migration; carbon footprint, ‘Climate Fresque‘ workshops based on IPCC latest report.

A tribute to Rossella Kohler
I.D.E.E. and IDEE en Action are dedicated to Rossella Kohler, a teacher and geographer. Her message, “Dear girls and boys, let’s change the world together” will continue to inspire the IDEE pedagogical journey. Rossella traveled the globe and met passionate young climate activists. Through her novels, they will talk and inspire more students along the IDEE journey. Some of these stories were brought to life during the first edition of I.D.E.E. (here). Many of these stories are still in search of a voice and interpreters, through the art of drawing and storytelling. Teachers, students, yourth centers are invited to join our artists to give new life to the remaining climate stories by Rossella.

Funded by Fondation Sommer
The IDEE en Action team benefits from the support of a large network of experts, associations passionate about social change and innovation, and climate activists, thanks to Gaialux’s role as part of the EU Climate Pact Ambassador.